Past Sermon Series

  • Stand-alone Messages

    Sermons that are not a part of a series can be located here.

  • Understanding the Gospel

    A series unpacking the foundations of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Broken and Contrite

    A series where we look at the importance of Psalm 51 in the life of the Christian.

  • Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ

    A series on the book of Colossians.

  • A Firm Foundation

    A series where we unpack fire doctrine son the Christian faith.

  • The DNA of a Disciple

    A series where we look at the foundations of being a disciple of Christ.

  • Jonah: The Sovereign God Who Saves

    a four part series on the book of Jonah

  • The Christian and Society

    A short series looking at crucial issues in society that Christians must be ready to engage

  • Spiritual Warfare: The Christians battle against the devil, the world, and the flesh

    A three part series where we look at the three main enemies Christians face in the battle of spiritual warfare

  • Who is God?

    A series looking at the attributes of God and how they impact the life of the believer.

  • Biblical Friendship

    A 5 part series where we look at the foundation and importance of true Biblical Friendship

  • The Doctrines of Grace

    A shot seres examine the 5 point known as TULIP

  • Ruth: Yahweh Redeems

    A short four part series looking at the boo of Ruth and how it points to ourredemption in Jesus Christ.