What is a family-integrated church?

The Outpost Bible Church is a family integrated church. The children attend all of the corporate worship gatherings with their parents rather than attending a separate children’s ministry. The reason we worship in this manner is that it is the manner that is seen in Scripture. We recognize that this approach to worship can be completely new to many.

God has given children all the playful energy they have and that sometimes causes them to wiggle and make noise, we know that and more importantly God knows that. Remember, they belong right here with God's people in worship. Can it be hard sometimes? Absolutely, but stick with it. Here are some suggestions to help your family adjust.

  • Quietly explain the parts of the service, have them sing along, explain what the pastor is doing, and anything else they will have questions about.

  • Make use of the children sermon resource bags in the back of the church. These will help children be engaged and follow along throughout the service.

  • Remember that the children learn how to worship by watching you. Be an example of reverent, joyful, and focused worship.

  • If your child gets fussy or squirrely don’t panic, simply take them to the nursery and get them settled down and then return to the worship service with all of us.

Children are a gift from the Lord not a distraction. The sound of children in our services is the sound of Jesus keeping His promise to build His church.

But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14