
Below you will find the last few sermons from our series, Luke: Christ the Savior

Rejoicing in the Revealed Christ (Luke 10:21-24)

Finding Joy in the Right Place (Luke 10:17-20)

The Harvest, pt.2 (Luke 10:3-16)

The Harvest, pt.1 (Luke 10:1-2)

Responding to Rejection (Luke 9:51-56)

Who is the Greatest? (Luke 9:46-50)

The Necessity of Faith (Luke 9:37-45)

Luke: The Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-32)

Luke: Take Up Your Cross (Luke 9:23-27)

Luke: Who Do You Say That I Am? (Luke 9:18-22)

Luke: Jesus Provides (Luke 9:10-17)

Sent to Proclaim the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:1-9)

Believe In The Authoritative and Compassionate Christ (Luke 8:40-56)

The Demon Possessed Man (Luke 8:26-39)